Want to Tighten Skin? Eating Avocados!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Firm and smooth skin so every woman's dream. In addition to care from the outside, it should also protect it from within. One of them is by eating green fruit is soft. The fruit is rich in nutrients that are good for the skin.

In addition to a variety of fish and berries, avocado is known as one of the superfoods for skin health. Inside are antioxidants, protein, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B, C, E and K. Nutrients in these fruits are a good combination to maintain skin firmness.

Antioxidant content in avocados can prevent the effects of free radicals on the skin, resulting in premature aging. While vitamin E in it can help protect the skin from the adverse effects of sunlight, air pollution as well.

Avocados also contain polyunsaturated fats are good for the skin, because the guard to avoid drought. With the state of moist skin, the fine lines and wrinkles can be prevented wajahpun.

Oil content in the green fruit is also increasing production of collagen in the skin, making it elastic and firm. Tampilanpun so it looks fresh and youthful. In addition to avocados, other foods that can make the young, among others, tomato, soybean, garlic, ginger, up until the carrots.

In addition to good for skin elasticity, polyunsaturated fats can reduce levels of triglycerides or cholesterol. This type of fat can raise levels of HDL or good cholesterol in the body. Therefore, regular consumption of avocado is also good for preventing heart disease.

When buying avocados, select fruit that is old and ready for use, skin feels smooth, and also a little heavy when lifted. In order not to stay long brooded, choose a fruit whose skin is a bit soft, not a still tight.

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